Things are changing around you and you feel restless. Some of you are fearful of all the new developments. We are here to tell you not to fear. Even if the changes that are about to happen will not always look good and promise more hardships than pleasures, they still have a deeper meaning than at first meets the eye.
These changes are global. People are looking for new leaders and, in doing so, first turn to leaders that will fail their trust. Great confusion will follow. This, however, is all meant to be. Because it will cause people to turn inwards and seek consolation in spiritual matters and understanding that is not of this world.
More prayers will flow and more angels send, and more spiritual teachers will be needed. And more guidance is on its way. We will not forsake you when you turn to us. Powerful allies are given to those who seek them. These powerful beings will restore people's hopes and strengthen their faith in the spirit world.
The turmoil of the world around you will make you look for understanding of the teachings of your souls. This will make your souls grow fonder and fonder of their helpers and guides and their teachings. Bigger communities that work together for a better future for the whole planet will arise. Mother Earth will once more be blessed and purified and people work together for a common goal and strive for higher dimensions.
All the old and useless, which doesn't serve its purpose any more, will be destroyed and new things put in its place. We will try and make the transition as peaceful as possible but some harm will come to people and the planet. We wish to assure you that this is necessary and what comes after that will be a welcome blessing.
Stay close to us, dear children, and take your lead from us.
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